35 Legion Parkway
West Seneca,
New York 14224
American Legion
Post 735

Marine Corp. League
Detachment 239

Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFW Post 8113

Navy Seabee Veterans
of America, Island X-5

Post 8113

82nd Airborne

West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee
Serving the Veterans and Residents of West Seneca |
Cleanup at the Walkway of Freedom
The West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee would like to Thank the following two groups for their volunteer work at the Walkway during the month of May. With the cleanup and planting, the Walkway and gardens are all set for the Summer. With the help other Garden volunteers, the gardens will be in full bloom throughout the season.
 Weeding the Flower Beds | |
 Preparing to Spread Mulch |
The 2024 Walkway of Freedom Clean-up Crew consisted of Jim & Kelly Bebak, Christopher Marks (Scott’s Miracle Gro), Jim Hinton (Scott’s Miracle Gro), Margaret Griffin, Christopher Connelly, Patti Wangelin,
Mary & Joe Sherman and Kelly Czechowski. Many thanks to Scott's Miracle Gro and Home Depot for donating soil, mulch and plants. It is because of their hard work that the Walkway looks so well-kept.
 Even the Small Flowerbeds received Loving Care | |
 Group Photo of the Walkway Volunteers |
As in previous years, we were fortunate to have the West Seneca students to lend a hand in cleaning the Walkway. The students swept, cleaned the benches & Learning Stations, hosed down the monuments, policed the area and cleaned the Veterans Annex. It is impressive that the students give back to the community by donating their time and muscle!
 Setting up American Flags | |
 Cleaning the Monuments |
We hope that the students have learned a little more about our military and our veterans. They had a chance to view the Learning Stations and memorials. Many had relatives that were or currently serving in the military and showed interest in the Walkway. The enthusiasm that the students brought was delightful as they performed their community service. We look to have the students join us next year for their community service!
 Cleaning the Gazebo | |
 Trojans Group Photo |
Medal Ceremony - April 3, 2024
In November 2023, a West Seneca resident, Paul Wisniewski, contacted the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee to see if he could get his father’s (Edward L. Wisniewski) medals from World War II replaced. Over the years, the medals originally presented to Edward Wisniewski were lost or misplaced. The Veterans Committee contacted Walt Koch, Deputy District Director, 26th Congressional District of NY and sought his help to obtain replacement medals.
Edward L. Wisniewski was part of the Naval Reserves before joining the regular Army in 1940. Mr. Wisniewski was stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii when Japan launched an attack on the United States naval base on that Sunday morning, December 7, 1941. More than 2,400 military personnel and civilians were killed and 1,178 were wounded in the bombing raid. The Japanese attack sank or severely damaged 18 ships, including the 8 battleships, three light cruisers, and three destroyers. On the airfields around Pearl Harbor, the Japanese destroyed 161 American planes and seriously damaged 102 aircraft.
 Paul Wisniewski, Supervisor Gary Dickson, Tom Wisniewski, family friends, and members of Marine Corps League and American Legion |
Through the chaos and smoke, the American forces were able to put a limited defense. Edward Wisniewski was part of a gunnery crew that managed to get their gun battery working and shot down 3 Japanese aircraft. For his heroic service in a combat zone, Edward Wisniewski was awarded the Bronze Star Medal, the fourth-highest individual military award. Unfortunately, a fire at the St. Louis Army records facility destroyed many of our Armed Forces records, leaving no record of Edward’s awarding of the Bronze Star Medal.
 Tom and Paul Wisniewski |
After his Honorable Discharge from the United States Army in 1946, Edward moved to West Seneca and went to work for and retired from Bethlehem Steel Corp in Lackawanna. He also played organized softball for St. Patrick’s Church and the Ford Motor Assembly Plant. He played third-base and was named to the Western New York Softball Hall of Fame.
Edward Wisniewski passed away on August 27, 1986, at the age of 67 years old.
 Tom and Paul Wisniewski with medals and framed photograph |
The medals that Edward Wisniewski earned were: Good Conduct Medal, American Defense Service Medal with 1 bronze service star, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal with 1 bronze service star and the World War II Victory Medal.
The replacement medals were received in late March 2024 and a special medal presentation was arranged for Wednesday, April 3, 2024 to honor the military service of Edward Wisniewski.
 Members of Amvets 8113, American Legion and Marine Corps League join Paul and Tom Wisniewski for medals presentation |
The ceremony took place at the home of Paul Wisniewski, with Paul, brother Tom, family friends and members of the American Legion Post 735, Marine Corps League, Detachment 239 and the Amvets Post 8113 in attendance. West Seneca Town Supervisor Gary Dickson presented the medals to the Wisniewski brothers and the Veterans Committee presented an American flag that flew over Washington, D.C. The Amvets also presented the Wisniewski’s with a special framed photograph honoring those who served.
 Framed photo honoring all who served and medals of Edward Wisniewski |
May the contributions and sacrifices made by Edward L. Wisniewski and all those who have served in our military, never be forgotten.
Restored Spanish-American War Gatling Gun Back in West Seneca
The Town of West Seneca is in possession of a Model 1895 10-barreled .30-40caliber Krag Gatling Gun. Only 94 of these Model 1895 Gatling Guns made by Colt Firearms were purchased by the US Army.
This unique forerunner to the present-day machine gun, was under the command of Lt. John Parker and the 5th Army Corps, Mobile Gun Detachment, on San Juan Hill in Cuba in 1898 during the Spanish American War. Lt. Parker had four guns on San Juan Hill, but only three were in operating condition, so we do not know if this particular gun was fired in combat.
 Gatling Gun is shipped off to Pennsylvania in October 2021 |
The Gatling Gun was obtained by former Town Supervisor Henry Lein in 1921 and donated to the Town of West Seneca. The gun was displayed at Union Road and Clinton Street for many years, but was not maintained and became badly corroded. The gun underwent an extensive renovation in the early 2000’s and was fully restored in 2003 by a group of our residents who wanted to preserve this historical weapon. After a brief period of display, the restored Gatling Gun was placed into storage.
 Gatling Gun returned to West Seneca after restoration |
In 2012, the Gatling Gun was placed on display as part of the Walkway of Freedom complex. Though well-intentioned, the gun was never protected from the elements. A shelter was proposed to protect the Gun, but never materialized.
The Gatling Gun was removed from its pad in 2016, to make room for the building of the Community Center where once again, the Gatling Gun was disassembled and placed in storage at the Highway department. By then the metal components of the gun had become badly corroded.
 Gatling Gun brought through Community Center doors |
Through the efforts of Historical Society Curator Tom Schobert, Town Historian Jim Pace, and Jim Manley, a restoration company was located that could restore the Gatling Gun. Tuckahoe Replicas and Restorations, out of Altoona, Pennsylvania was selected to do the restoration on the Gun. Tom Schobert, working with Town Councilmember Joe Cantafio, was able to obtain funding for the restoration through the office of State Assemblyman Pat Burke
 Gatling Gun set in place in Community Center Hallway |
The Gatling Gun was picked up in October 2021 and transported to Tuckahoe Restorations, where work was started to bring the weapon back to its original appearance. The restoration work was completed in late March 2023 and on 11 April 2023, the Gatling Gun was returned to West Seneca. The Gun was wheeled into the Community Center hallway and readied for display. A formal dedication ceremony will be made at a later date
 Gatling Gun on display |
Today there are only six, possibly seven, of the Gatling Guns remaining. The value of this weapon has been estimated upwards from two-hundred thousand dollars, so not only is this a unique piece of military history but also a very valuable one as well.
 Members of the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee |
Walkway of Freedom Spruce-Up
The Walkway of Freedom received a facelift on Sunday, May 7th as volunteers cleaned up the complex and planted new flowers. Organized through the efforts of Kelly Bebak, nine volunteers spent their Sunday morning digging and planting. Donations of soil, mulch and plants were made by Scotts Miracle Gro and the West Seneca Home Depot.
 Tools, soil, mulch and plants ready to go | |
 Supervisor Gary Dixon lends his "green thumb" to the project |
Weeds and dead plants were removed from the three large plant beds at the Walkway and new soil was added before the planting began. Most of the plants were perennials so they will continue to come back each year.
 Jim Bebak does some weeding while Maggie Wilson and Kelly Bebak do some planting | |
 Maggie Wilson, Jim Bebak, Gary Dickson, Kelly Bebak, Stepanie Russo, Chris Marks, Jim Hinton, Dave Robinson and Jim Manley |
The West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee would like to thank Chris Marks and Jim Hinton from Scotts Miracle Gro, Dave Robinson from Home Depot and volunteers Jim Bebak, Kelly Bebak, Gary Dickson, Maggie Wilson, Patti Wangelin and Stephanie Russo for their donations, time and effort to beautify the Walkway of Freedom Complex for the summer. Special people make special places!
 Planting is finished |
West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee Recognized as 2023 Service Organization of the Year
p>The West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee was named by the West Seneca Chamber of Commerce as the Service Organization of the Year for 2023. This prestigious award
was presented at the 76th annual West Seneca Chamber of Commerce Dinner on February 15, 2023 at Kloc's Grove.
 Members of Joint Veterans Committee presenting the colors |
The evening festivities began with the West Seneca Joint Veterans presenting the colors, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Twelve members of the Veterans Committee
were in attendance as Jim Manley and Mark Graham accepted the award on behalf of the entire West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee.
 Members of Joint Veterans Committee presenting the colors |
 Members of Amvets Post 8113 and Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Island X-5 |
Other awards were presented throughout dinner as William Cleary and Vigilant Fire Company were named as the Chamber Member of the Year, Franco DiPasqua was honored as the Educator of the Year, Great Lakes Pizza Company was named as the Business of the Year and Evan Czamara received the Gerald Hathaway Young Entrepreneur of the Year award.
The Citizen of the Year was presented to Supervisor Gary Dickson
for all he has done for our community.
 Committee members gathered for a photo with Chamber Award and Proclamations from elected officials (L-R) Dave Dascomb, Ken Herkey, Bob Basher, Frank Weber, Phil Heimburg, Ron Puckett, Jim Manley, Jerry Johnson, Mark Graham, Pat David, Ray David and Dan Cotter |
 Chamber Award for Community Service Organization of the Year and Proclamations |
This award was made possible by the dedication and hard work of the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee. The Committee would also like to thank our residents, businesses, other service organizations and the West Seneca Town Board for their unwavering support of our veterans.
Thank you to all of our West Seneca Veterans and volunteers for all they have done to help the Committee receive this recognition.
Students from Clinton Street Elementary School Honor Veterans
The Students at Clinton Elementary School are making Veterans Day a little more special by making cards and letters for our local veterans. Students are thanking our veterans and active military for their service to our country.
This was a school-wide project with the creation of unique cards and letters from all of the grades at Clinton Elementary.
 Cards and Letters from Clinton Street Elementary School |
Members of American Legion Post 735 will distribute the Veterans cards and letters to veterans from the various West Seneca Posts, Senior Citizen Center Veterans and veterans living in several Assisted Living & Senior Care facilities.
The messages and artwork from the Elementary School children is sure to bring a smile to all of our veterans!
 School Children Honor Our Veterans |
Harvey D. Morin, VFW Post 2940 Ceases Operation
June 2022 saw the loss of one of West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee’s charter members. The Harvey D. Morin Post, VFW 2940 surrendered their national charter and is no longer a Veterans of Foreign Wars Post.
 Donation to VA Transportation |
After serving veterans and their community for eighty-eight years, the Harvey D. Morin, VFW Post 2940 turned in their charter to the Department of New York, VFW.
 Donation to Buffalo Vets Center |
Organized and chartered in 1934, VFW Post 2940 was the home to thousands of West Seneca and surrounding area veterans. Starting with a Post Home on Seneca Street and eventually moving to Center Road, there was always a place for our veterans to meet and help our community.
The Post had many World War II veterans and Korean War veterans, followed by our Vietnam veterans, who maintained an energetic membership for many years. With a very active Auxiliary, there was always help for our veterans.
 Donation to Vets One-Stop Center of WNY |
By 2018 as our World War II and Korean War veterans began to pass away and new membership became a trickle, the Post membership eventually dwindled down to a handful of active members who realized that they could not maintain their Post Home on Center Road.
The Post Home was sold and a small office was set up at Southgate Plaza as the veterans attempted to find a new, smaller Post Home. Finally realizing in early 2022, that a new building was not feasible, VFW 2940 members voted to turn in their VFW charter.
 Donation to Batavia Veterans Home |
With funds from their Post Home sale, VFW 2940 members lived up to the spirit of veterans helping veterans, by donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to other veterans’ organizations and non-profit organizations that help veterans.
With input from members who attended the final meetings of the Post, a list of worthwhile organizations was drawn up and funds distributed to those organizations. Some of the organizations included VALOR Food Pantry for Veterans, VA Home for Veterans, Veterans One Stop, the Patriot Riders,
Volunteer Services for Women Veterans, Buffalo and Erie County Naval and Military Park, KIA Road March, Veterans Honor Flight, Battle Dogs PTSD Treatment Center, West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee, WNY Vets Center, DAV Transportation and several other organizations.
 Donation to VA Medical Center |
We salute all of those who were past members of Harvey D. Morin Post, VFW Post 2940. Your service to other veterans and to your community will long be remembered. Your Post met the mission of the VFW by helping and rehabilitating our needy and disabled veterans, assisting our veteran’s widows and orphans and the dependents of our needy or disabled veterans and promoting Americanism by means of education in patriotism and by constructive service to local communities. Your legacy will continue for years to come through your generosity to the various veterans organizations throughout the area.
- Memorial Day Ceremony - May 30, 2022
Against a sun soaked sky that served as a blue backdrop, the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee held their Annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 30th. The ceremony took place on the Walkway of Freedom complex.
Member units of the Veterans Committee, Marine Corp. League Detachment 239, Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW Post 8113, Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Island X-5, AMVETS Post 8113 and Auxiliary, VFW Post 2940 and Auxiliary,
82nd Airborne and American Legion Post 735 and Auxiliary formed up in front of the war monuments and were joined by the West Seneca Police Honor Guard and the Vigilant Fire Honor Guard.
 Members of the Navy Seabees, AMVETS Post 8113 and the West Seneca Police Honor Guard |
 Member units from the Veterans Committee, Police Honor Guard and the Vigilant Fire Honor Guard |
The ceremony began with a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner sung by Ms. Grace Greenan. Greenan, who is the Music Director for Mount St. Mary Academy and is a recording artist, also sang God Bless America. The Benediction was given by Committee Chaplain Ken Herkey.
 Grace Greenan performs our National Anthem |
 Veterans Committee Chaplain Ken Herkey gives the Opening Prayer |
Our scheduled guest speak, Colonel Lara Morrison, Commander of the 914th Air Refueling Wing, Niagara Falls Air Reserve Station, New York, was unfortunately taken ill and was unable to attend the Memorial Day Ceremony. 1st Lieutenant Lucas
Morrow, Chief, Public Affairs, 914th Air Refueling Wing, filled in as our guest speaker, highlighting the meaning of Memorial Day and why we should always remember the sacrifices of our young men and women serving in our Armed Forces.
 1st Lieutenant Lucas Morrow gives Memorial Day speech |
 Grace Greenan, Ken Herkey, Jim Manley and 1st Lt. Lucas Morrow |
 Members of the West Seneca Women's Club |
 Elected officials including Shannon Filbert, Robert Breidenstein, Susan Kims and Jeff Piekarec |
After the ceremony, the public was invited to walk through a Civil War camp presented by Union Army re-enactors from the 155th New York Volunteer Infantry, the Union Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, the US Engineer Brigade, Tom Schobert and the Field Hospital Surgical Unit, the Garibaldi Guard and Fran D'Amico, a Civil War Roman Catholic nun/nurse.
 Members of the 155th New York Volunteer Infantry |
The public had the opportunity to learn how camp life might have been during the Civil War and had the chance to see several demonstrations, including musket firing, marching and entertained by Civil War era music played by fife and drum.
Many thanks to sound system engineer Howard Orlando and Bugler Jeff Glaub for their participation and assistance.
VFW Post 2940 Makes Donation to Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight
The Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight (BNHF) is part of a national network of independent Hubs working together to honor our nation s veterans with an all-expenses paid trip to the memorials in Washington, D.C., a trip many of our veterans may not otherwise be able to take.
Since 2005, the Honor Flight Network has helped make it possible for more than 200,000 veterans from all services to visit Washington and other memorial sites from more than 130 locations across the country.
In 2009, Honor Flight Buffalo became an “official” Hub of the Honor Flight Network serving Erie, Niagara and surrounding counties area veterans. Honor Flights are made possible by donations.
 Members of VFW Post 2940 present check to Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight |
Members of Harvey D. Morin Post, VFW Post 2940 met with members of the Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight on 9 April 2022 to present the BNHF with a check for $20,000.00 to help the Buffalo Niagara Honor Flight continue its goal for Veterans to share in a day of honor at our nation's memorials.
 Group picture with Congressman Brian Higgins | |  45 Veterans scheduled for April 30th Flight |
Participation in an Honor Flight trip gives veterans the chance to share this momentous trip with other veterans, to remember friends and comrades lost, and share their stories and experiences with each other.
Eastern Redbud Tree Donated to the Walkway of Freedom Complex
The West Seneca Chamber of Commerce hosted Planting Trees: A How to Workshop, on Saturday, April 23rd in the Community Center. Guest speakers from the Buffalo Green Fund, Re-Tree NY, Cornell Cooperative Extension and several Master Gardeners discussed topics such as the benefit of trees, tree biology, caring for trees and municipal ordinances, among other topics.
The Planting Trees seminar was attended by approximately 36 people from throughout Erie County who were interested in how to properly plant trees in their communities.
 "X" marks the spot for the tree | |  Jim from Re-Tree WNY displays the Eastern Redbud tree |
For hosting the seminar, Re-Tree NY donated a tree to the Town of West Seneca for planting. The Chamber and the Town Supervisor s Office reached out to the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee to see if they would like to have the tree planted in the Walkway of Freedom complex. The Committee, dedicated to maintaining a park-like setting, readily agreed to the addition.
 Volunteers prepare the ground for planting | |  Master Gardener Linda Garwol explains the tree root system |
The Committee was given a species list of trees to choose from and an Eastern Redbud (Cercis canadensis) tree was selected and a spot between the World War II and Korean War monuments was chosen for the planting location.
 Stakes are pounded in to support tree | |  Seminar attendees pose with newly planted tree |
Veterans Day – November 11, 2021
Under a partial sunny sky and the temperature reaching 60 degrees, the seven member posts of the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee made the short march from Post 735 to the Walkway of Freedom to celebrate the Town's 49th Annual Veterans Day Ceremony.
Veterans from American Legion Post 735, Marine Corp. League Detachment 239, Navy Seabee Veterans of America - Island X-5, Veterans of Foreign Wars VFW Post 8113, AMVETS Post 8113, 82nd Airborne and Harvey D. Morin - VFW Post 2940 participated in the annual Salute to Veterans.
 Units gather for annual ceremony |
Chairman Jim Manley presided over the ceremony honoring the service of all military veterans and Chaplain Kenneth Herkey led the veterans in prayer. The guest speaker for this year's program was United States Air Force Chief Master Sergeant Raymond F. Fitzpatrick, Jr., currently stationed at Niagara Falls Air Base. CMSgt Fitzpatrick's remarks stressed the importance of remembering the sacrifice of all veterans and their families while serving in the United States military service.
Natalia Pernick, a student at West Seneca Middle School, lent her talent to the ceremony with a beautiful rendition of the Star Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful.
 Guest Speaker CMSgt Raymond Fitzpatrick, Jr. |
 Natalia Pernick singing our National Anthem |
Following the ceremony which included a rifle salute and the playing Taps, veterans and guests were invited to Legion Post 735 for coffee and donuts.
- West Seneca Memorial Day Ceremony - Monday, May 31, 2021
The West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee held its Memorial Day Ceremony on Monday, May 31st at the Walkway of Freedom. While honoring all service personnel who died in the service of our nation, the ceremony paid special tribute to the heroes of West Seneca who never made it home from the battlefields around the world.
The ceremony included the rededication of the World War I, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam monuments. This marked the first time that all four monuments had been brought together in one location. The World War I and World War II monuments had been on loan to St. Matthew’s Cemetery since 2009, when they were moved from the corner of Union Road and Clinton Street. The Vietnam War Memorial, which had been on display
in front of the West Seneca Library, was moved into storage in 2016 to make room for the new Community Center and Library. The Korean monument, created in 2018, was also placed into storage until the Walkway was redesigned to accomodate all the monuments.
 (left to right) World War I, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam monuments |
The rededication ceremony started at 11:00am with member units of the West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee and their Auxiliaries assembled in front of the monuments for the ceremony. The program started with the reading of the names of our comrades who fell in combat from each war.
After the reading of the names from each monument, a bell was struck seven times, signifying the loss of life in combat.
 Chairman Jim Manley opened ceremony with welcoming remarks |
 Unit members of the Joint Veterans Committee gathered for ceremony |
Members of the clergy, Father Greg F. Faulhaber from Queen of Heaven Church and retired Pastor from the Winchester Community Church, Reverend Thomas J. Dalbo, were on-hand to bless each of the monuments.
Supervisor Gary Dickson gave a short address on why we observe Memorial Day and to honor all of America’s military, especially those of our Town residents, for their duty and sacrifice.
 Father Greg F. Faulhaber blesses the World War I monument |
 Supervisor Gary Dickson gave a short speech on the significance of Memorial Day |
To honor those service members who had fallen in the service of their country, members of the 155th New York Volunteer Infantry provided a musket salute followed by the sounding of Taps.
 Musket salute by the 55th New York Volunteer Infantry |
In conjunction with the Memorial Day Ceremony, a Civil War Living History event took place along the Walkway of Freedom. Members of the Civil War re-enactment regiment, the 155th New York Volunteer Infantry under the command of Captain David Bertuca,
the US Civil War Engineer brigade under the leadership of Captain Ray Ball, Sr. and the “Garibaldi Guard” recreated a Civil War base camp along the Walkway.
The Buffalo regiments performed military maneuvers, provided educational information and demonstrated how camp life would have been during America’s War Between the States.
 155th New York Volunteer Infantry demonstrations |
 Civil War Engineer brigade members explain engineering designs |
The 155th New York Volunteer Infantry regiment held live musket demonstrations and performed military marching maneuvers. The Union Volunteers Fife and Drum Corps, with Fife Major Jim Pace (West Seneca Town Historian) and Drum Major Brian Seibel performed Civil War period music and marches.
 The 155th New York Volunteer Infantry marching in formation |
 Fife Major Jim Pace and Drum Major Brian Seibel |
The West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee would like to thank all of the veterans, residents and the Civil War re-enactors who joined us on Memorial Day to remember those who died in active military service.
 Members of the Joint Veterans Committee |