35 Legion Parkway
West Seneca,
New York 14224
American Legion
Post 735

Marine Corp. League
Detachment 239

Veterans of Foreign Wars
VFW Post 8113

Navy Seabee Veterans
of America, Island X-5

Post 8113

82nd Airborne

West Seneca Joint Veterans Committee
Serving the Veterans and Residents of West Seneca |
Veteran's Information, Benefits and Help Page
Erie County “Thank–A–Vet” ID Program
The “Thank–A–Vet” program is a win–win for our community; it honors our local veterans and drives commerce to area businesses. We are proud that Western New York has stepped up to make this program the success it has become. Together we are able to say THANK YOU to our veterans in a meaningful way.
The “Thank–A–Vet” card is a complimentary photo I.D. certified by the Erie County Clerk that a veteran has produced their original discharge paper and has been honorably discharged. The card is available to any veteran who is an Erie County resident and honorably discharged from any branch of service of the United States Armed Forces.
Upon filing your ORIGINAL discharge papers with the Erie County Clerk, you will be issued a “Thank–A–Vet” discount card that can be used at our participating local businesses. Your original document is returned to you immediately upon recording. A scanned image is chronicled for safe-keeping and peace of mind. Discharge papers include: DD-214, DD-256, NGB-22 etc.
“Thank A Vet” Cards are issued Monday – Friday between 9am–5pm.
Old County Hall (across the street from the Rath Building)
92 Franklin Street, Buffalo, NY 14202
(716) 858–4737
Click here to view all the participating businesses in the “Thank–A –Vet” Discount Program.
Western New York National Cemetery
In May 2014, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) National Cemetery Administration purchased 132-acres in Corfu, New York, for $625,000. The property has access off Exit 48A from the I-90 thruway and is located in Genesee County.
In February 2018, VA announced the acquisition of two additional parcels of land adjacent to the originally purchased 132-acres for the Western New York National Cemetery in Corfu, New York.
The additional parcels, 60-acres and 77-acres are to ensure the safety and efficiency of funeral processions and traffic. The new national cemetery will serve the burial needs of more than 96,000 Veterans for the next 70 years and will be the seventh VA national cemetery in the state of New York.
HOURS (visitation and office hours):
Open daily from dawn to dusk
Contact numbers for military honors for the New York area:
- United States Army (including Army National Guard, US Army Reserves and Merchant Marine): 888-325-1601
- United States Air Force (including Air National Guard and US Air Force Reserves): 609-562-6141
- United States Navy: 800-856-7091
- United States Marine Corps: 866-826-3628
- United States Coast Guard: 216-402-6936
Burial in a national cemetery is open to all members of the armed forces who have met a minimum active duty service requirement and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable.
A Veteran's spouse, widow or widower, minor dependent children, and under certain conditions, unmarried adult children with disabilities may also be eligible for burial.
Eligible spouses and children may be buried even if they predecease the Veteran.
Members of the reserve components of the armed forces who die while on active duty or who die while on training duty, or were eligible for retired pay, may also be eligible for burial.
The Pembroke site is about 30 miles from Buffalo and 48 miles from Rochester. The nearest open national cemetery is Bath National Cemetery located in Bath, New York, approximately 85 miles away.
Buffalo & Erie County Naval and Military Park
The Buffalo & Erie Naval & Military Park is open daily from 10:00AM til 5:00PM until October. Admission for Adults (13 yrs - 64 yrs) is $15.00; Youth (5 yrs - 12 yrs) $9.00; Seniors (65+) $12.00; Children under 4 yrs are free and veterans $11.00.
Veterans who have the Erie County Thank-A-Vet ID Card receive $1.00 off the admission price. Active Duty military and Gold Star and Blue Star families receive free admission.
Visit the Buffalo Naval Park web site for more information and other discounts
Online Colleges for Veterans and Military Personnel
Affordable Colleges Online has put together a comprehensive guidebook to help military and veteran students avoid the potential pitfalls of online education.
Veterans, active military and eligible family members can gather specific insight into distance learning and military online colleges in the comprehensive guidebook, prepared with service personnel in mind. The guidebook can provide service members and veterans with flexible degree program options to help with the advancement or transition to civilian life no matter where they are in the world.
Click here for more information on the military-friendly online colleges guidebook.
New Veterans Support Line
The Vets4Warriors peer support line, 1-855-838-8255 (1-855-VET-TALK),
provides easy access to supportive, non-attributional conversations
with trained veteran peers representing all branches of the military.
This team of veteran peers has immediate access to behavioral health
clinicians to respond to potentially emergency issues and can offer
referrals to local community services, military veteran centers,
and military healthcare providers based upon the needs of the Service
A variety of services will be provided to include non-clinical
(legal, financial) and referrals for clinical services (substance abuse,
behavioral health).
Vets4Warriors Website: www.vets4warriors.com
Additional links to find veteran's benefits/help:
Military Veterans Resource Center - Personalized Services for Veterans who Served Honorably
Home Modifications and Assistive Technology for Disabled Military Veterans
Justice for Vets
The Mental Health Needs of Veterans, Service Members and Their Families
Support and Information for Veterans and Families Living with Cancer
Online Military Student Resources Guide
To help student veterans, Accredited Schools Online has put together a comprehensive guidebook that contains more than 150 resources to help student veterans and their families overcome the challenges of higher education and career training. The guidebook addresses the many challenges that
college-bound veterans face daily, including those of a financial, social, academic, medical and geographic nature; and to provide valuable information and resources vetted by actual student veterans who have experienced (and overcome) these challenges first-hand.
To view the Guide to Online Military Student Resources, visit Accredited Schools Online.
This guidebook provides financial information and options for veterans, different associations and groups available for educational purposes, and pointers on how to choose the college best suited to their needs.
Veterans Dental Health – Common Oral Conditions and Diseases
Veterans are more likely to develop general health conditions, certain cancers, and mental illnesses than non-veterans. These conditions can also lead to poor oral health issues, such as cavities, gum disease, and other oral infections. In particular, long-term exposure to harmful chemicals explosions impact a veteran’s general and oral health greatly.
Common dental conditions, such as cavities and periodontal disease affect veterans as well as non-veterans. Learn more about oral care and hygiene needs and what you can do to improve your overall oral health. For additional information, please visit
Where to get Help for Substance Abuse and PTSD
Many men and women who have bravely served our country are sadly left with painful memories they wish they didn't have. In many cases, veterans turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to deal with these thoughts, especially PTSD.
Are you a veteran struggling with a substance misuse or co-occurring disorder (PTSD, depression, anxiety, etc.)? Are you a friend or other loved one of a veteran, and you want to learn more about substance use and PTSD among veterans or the ways you can help them?
If so, visit The Recovery Village, Personalized Addiction Treatment where you’ll find the answers to your questions,including information on rehab centers and VA options.
A Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Managing PTSD
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that can occur in people who have experienced a traumatic event. PTSD is most often identified in war veterans, as they encounter many of these traumatic events on a daily basis.
People who suffer from PTSD may have changes in their mood and personality. This is because their brains are constantly trying to access the “fight-or-flight” stress response, which can put a strain on other mental capacities.
Often people seek help from medication or therapy to help combat PTSD symptoms. While these treatments may help people with their symptoms, there is a wide variety of natural, supplemental, and homeopathic remedies that might also help alleviate the symptoms of PTSD.
Holistic therapy aims to achieve health and wellness by aligning a person’s body, mind, spirit, and emotions. This type of therapy can be beneficial for people who are coping with a large amount of stress. Holistic therapists help clients work through a variety of situations they wish to improve, including symptoms of PTSD.
For more information on alternative therapies for managing PTSD, visit:
When the brave and selfless heroes from our armed forces return home, unforeseen difficulties often present themselves as they try to readjust to life stateside. The way many individuals attempt to mask their struggles is by abusing drugs and alcohol. While this is a relatively common practice, it can be an unhealthy way to manage the stress and pressure of post-war life. Drug and alcohol abuse can easily turn into a life-threatening addiction.
If you feel drugs are now controlling the decisions in your life, it is time to seek help.
If you suffer from drug or alcohol abuse, help is available. For more information, visit:
Addiction is a complex and serious issue that affects all types of communities in the United States. While anyone can develop a substance use disorder (SUD), there are specific communities that are more susceptible than others. Certain cases require specialized care and treatment.
For more information, visit:
List Of The 11 Best Inpatient Rehab Centers For Veterans
Alcohol and drug abuse is a grave health concern faced by many veterans, especially those who struggle with post-traumatic stress (PTSD) disorder following service. In fact, one in 10 veterans who returned from recent wars struggled with drug and alcohol abuse.
While this health concern is a growing issue among veterans, treatment is available throughout the nation. Many rehab facilities now offer specialized programs for veterans or provide veteran-only treatment for addiction, substance abuse, and co-occurring mental health disorders.
Click on the link below to view 10 best veterans alcohol and drug rehab centers in the U.S. may serve as a guide to treatment facilities which offer veteran-specific or veteran-friendly treatment:
Helpful Information and Discounts for Women Veterans
According to Veterans Affairs (VA), there are approximately two million women veterans currently living in the US, making up close to 10 percent of the veteran population, with those numbers increasing in the decades to come.
When veterans return home, many businesses are eager to celebrate women veterans by offering discounts on products, goods, and services in honor of their time serving the US. There are also plenty of benefits that the government provides to veterans that can help them get access to health care, education, and much more.
Visit 50+ Health Care Benefits, Career Resources, and Discounts for Women Veterans for an updated, definitive list of both government-provided and private sector health care benefits, career opportunities, personal care resources, and special discounts offered specifically for women veterans
This guide will help you save money and take advantage of all of the discounts and deals available to women veterans.
Have you Been Exposed to Asbestos? Veterans and Mesothelioma Information
While many veterans gave their lives to defend our country, others came home only to die decades later from mesothelioma, a cancer caused by asbestos, a toxic material used extensively in all branches of the military.
Veterans in all branches of the military were exposed to asbestos, placing them at risk for mesothelioma and other asbestos-related risks.
Men and women from all four branches (Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines) of the United States military have defended our country for decades, both in times of war and in times of peace. Veterans put their lives on the line each and every day, both on the battlefront and at the many U.S. military bases located around the world. Of all the individuals in the United States that have been diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, the veteran population has been affected the most. Approximately thirty percent of patients diagnosed with mesothelioma are veterans who have served in the U.S. military.
The simple reason for this increased risk is exposure to asbestos. Asbestos, the only known cause of mesothelioma, was used by the U.S. military in literally hundreds of applications. Exposure to asbestos was unavoidable for some military personnel which is the reason why mesothelioma remains one of the most serious diseases affecting veterans today.
Veterans who served from 1940 to 1980 are at high risk of developing health problems from asbestos. Those who served more recently are also in danger because it took decades for the military to remove or replace the asbestos products. Veterans who were stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan may have been exposed to asbestos when older buildings that contained asbestos and/or asbestos-related materials were damaged.
Asbestos was used in all branches of the military for many years. During the years of World War II and the Korean War, shipbuilding was at its peak. In fact, about 4.3 million Americans worked in shipyards during World War II. The daily tasks shipyard workers were required to perform placed many of them at risk for developing asbestos-related diseases.
Navy veterans are at the greatest risk for developing mesothelioma as asbestos was widely used in naval ships and shipyards.
Navy veterans were exposed to high levels of asbestos present in many areas of navy ships including boiler rooms, engine rooms, galleys and sleeping quarters. While the soldiers who lived and worked aboard the ships - including gunmen, boilermen, and firemen - were susceptible to inhaling asbestos, those who built and repaired the ships were even more prone to developing diseases associated with the toxic mineral. They were tradesmen such as pipefitters, plumbers, mechanics, shipfitters, electricians, welders and boilermakers to name a few.
The military’s reliance on asbestos not only put service members at risk, but it also endangered their family members through secondary asbestos exposure. During the peak years of asbestos use, many veterans brought home asbestos fibers on their work clothes and unintentionally exposed their spouses or children to the toxic mineral.
These secondary exposures were far less severe than the heavy firsthand exposures that frequently occurred at Navy shipyards, yet they still had the potential to cause mesothelioma and other asbestos-related illnesses.
One common scenario for secondhand exposure: A serviceman’s wife inhales asbestos while washing or handling her husband’s asbestos-laden clothes. Children have also suffered secondhand asbestos exposures by playing with their fathers or hugging them when they return home from work.
Secondary exposure is rarely a problem when service members are deployed overseas, but it can be a serious risk for families who live on military bases or in military family housing. If a veteran ever returns home covered in asbestos dust, there is a chance a family member may develop a related illness later in life.
- There are a number of benefits available to veterans who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or other asbestos-related diseases. Mesothelioma has been recognized by the VA as a service-connected condition, and as such those who have been impacted are entitled to VA Health Care, Disability Compensation, and Dependency & Indemnity Compensation.
If you need information on mesothelioma, treatment options, doctors who specialize in mesolthelioma cases, what financial aid or V.A. benefits may be available, visit:
- Navy veterans were unnecessarily exposed to asbestos during their service, placing them at risk for Pleural Mesothelioma. Learn more about how veterans were exposed and benefits that can help today. Visit:
- Veterans diagnosed with mesothelioma as a result of active duty are entitled to benefits from the federal government. Did you know that veterans have a higher incidence of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases than the general population? Learn
more about this serious, incurable cancer and find out what benefits you may be entitled to. Visit:
- MesotheliomaHelpNow.com was created to be a source of hope and empowerment to those affected by mesothelioma. By providing accurate and helpful information and resources, patients and their families better can understand their treatment, support and legal options.
Though mesothelioma is a rare cancer, you and your family are not alone in your fight against this tragic disease. Mesothelioma Help Now is your trusted advocacy center available to help you all your questions. Whether you want to know what treatment options you have,
the Patient Advocates at Mesothelioma Help Now are committed to helping you.
- United States Military veterans make up over 30% of all patients with malignant mesothelioma, caused by exposure to asbestos. Learn more about your benefits options with VA-accredited claims agents. Visit:
- Asbestos was widely used in many industries by both the private and public sectors throughout much of the 20th Century for its resistance to heat and its ability to provide fireproofing. Until the mid-1970s, the U.S. armed forces were among the largest users of asbestos and asbestos-containing materials because of these particular properties.
As a result, large numbers of the more than 20 million veterans were exposed to asbestos during their time in the military. Many of these veterans, including personnel who served recently in the Middle East, have either developed mesothelioma or are at risk of developing this rare and deadly form of cancer.
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, asbestos-related lung cancer, or asbestosis, you may be eligible for substantial compensation. There is currently over $30 billion in asbestos trust funds, set up for those who are victims to asbestos-related diseases.
For more information and to receive a free Financial Compensation Packet, filled with information about top mesothelioma lawyers in your area, how to get paid in 90 days, how to file an asbestos trust fund claim, and much more, visit:
- Veterans and active-duty members of the US military need to know important facts and be aware of the potential exposure to asbestos during your service career. Veterans diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma are victims of asbestos exposure. The Mesothelioma Justice Network fights on behalf of veterans, demanding justice from negligent asbestos companies.
Know your legal rights and take action today.
For more information on claims, visit:
- Mesothelioma Lawyers with the Experience to Take on the Asbestos Industry
Our attorneys are experienced in mesothelioma litigation. Their focused practice has given them a keen understanding of the complex issues surrounding asbestos exposure. Our lawyers are familiar with the unethical attempts by corporations to keep information about the dangers of asbestos from workers and their families. These cases are quite different from other toxic tort cases. This makes our level of experience a critical component in our ability to get you the compensation you deserve.
For more information or to get a free consultation, visit:
FREE Annual Pass to National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands for US Military and Their Dependents
US military members and the dependents of deployed military in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, as well as most members of the US Reserves and National Guard can apply for a Free Annual Pass to National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands. The Annual Pass may be obtained in person at Federal recreation sites that charge entrance or standard amenity fees. Proper military ID is required (CAC Card or DoD Form 1173).
Although there is no Free Pass specifically for veterans, many veterans qualify for one of the other discount passes offered as part of the National Park Pass Program:
- If you are 62 or older you qualify for a Senior Pass. You can buy a Senior Pass in person from a participating Federal recreation site or office or by mail.
- If you have a permanent disability you may qualify for an Access Pass. This is a free lifetime pass that you may obtain in person from a participating Federal recreation site or office or by mail.
Click here for more information on the National Park Pass Program
Military Wallet Discounts:
The Military Wallet website offers great information on benefits, discounts and most anything that affects the military member's wallet!
Click here to learn more at http://themilitarywallet.com/military-discounts/
Credit Guide for Military Members and Their Families
If you or your spouse is a member of the military, you could save hundreds of dollars a year on credit card interest payments or fees – or be refunded thousands of dollars in old payments – just by contacting your card company and letting them know you’re serving your country.
Federal laws offer key protections, and many credit card issuers go beyond those baselines and offer a wide range of money-saving benefits that are exclusively available to military families. But the breaks do not come automatically; the onus is on service members to apply.
And because these perks aren’t widely advertised, many service members don’t know about the benefits available.
Find out how you can take full advantage of the offers and benefits available to military personnel by visiting:
Credit Guide for Military Members and Their Families
Click here to learn more at https://www.creditcards.com/credit-card-news/credit-guide-military-servicemembers-families.php
VA Begins Dental Insurance Pilot Program:
VA is partnering with Delta Dental and MetLife to allow eligible veterans, plus family members receiving care under CHAMPVA, to purchase affordable dental insurance. More than 8 million veterans who are enrolled in VA healthcare can choose to purchase one of the offered dental plans. The three-year pilot program is designed for veterans with no dental coverage, or
those eligible for VA dental care who would like to purchase additional coverage. According to the VA, participation will not affect anyone's entitlement to VA dental services and treatment, and there are no eligibility limitations based on service-connected disability ratings or enrollment priority assignments. People interested in participating can complete an online application through either
Delta Dental, www.deltadentalvadip.org, or MetLife, www.metlife.com/vadip. Enrollment is now open and coverage begins Jan. 1, 2014. The program will be available throughout the United States and its territories.
Veterans One-Stop Center opens in Buffalo to provide help for veterans and their families:
The mission of the Veterans One-Stop Center is to bring people, organizations, and resources together in time, space, and effort to effectively improve the well-being of all Western New York Veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces and their families.
The assistance center, located on the second floor at 1280 Main Street, Buffalo, with a coalition of independent service providers, including the Western New York Veterans Housing Coalition, Goodwill Industries of Western New York, VA Healthcare for Homeless Veterans, City Mission, Child and Family Services, St. Vincent DePaul Thrift Store, and the Erie County Department of Social Services, will give a veteran a place to go and receive help from as many providers as necessary
Simple Dollar: An In-Depth Tax Guide For Veterans
As a veteran, there are specific benefits you can take advantage of to maximize your return when you file your individual income taxes. It is extremely beneficial to identify which types of pay and compensation are exempt from taxes so you know what is excluded from your gross income on your return.
The Simple Dollar was created to offer an in-depth tax guide designed specifically for veterans to help them recognize the benefits they receive. Also contained in the guide is updated information that is crucial for the upcoming 2017 tax season.
This ultimate guide not only has 6 tax tips for veterans, but also lists the federal exclusions, taxable benefits and state benefits a veteran receives.
For further information, click here to learn more about income tax benefits.
Local Veteran Post Activities:
Want to know when the next veteran's activity is scheduled: Bar-B-Que, Parade, or Breakfast? Check the West Seneca Veterans Committee Member Calender for the latest events.
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Copyright 2012 West Seneca Veterans Committee, West Seneca, New York U.S.A. All rights Reserved.